Over the course of Transfashional several talks, workshops and seminars took place in various cities:
London College of Fashion
Ars Electronica Festival
Fashion & Technology, University of Art and Design Linz
ACfFR research colloquium
The Politics of Fashion: Fashion as a Social Bot
_ Dobrila Denegri (www.transfashional.com)
_ Camille Baker (www.wearsustain.eu)
_ Maria Dada (Digital Anthropology Lab London,
University of the Arts)
_ Dr. Andreas Spiegl (Academy of fine Arts Vienna)
_ Christiane Luible-Bär (F&T, University of Art and Design
_ Wally Salner (ACfFR)
Fashion&Technology, University of Art and Design Linz
As a research platform, the Austrian Center for Fashion Research (ACfFR) works on the interdisciplinary and methodologically comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon of fashion, its systems, its production, marketing, representation and dissemination in the fields of cultural studies and art history with artistic research and practice-led research in fashion, fashion design and technologies of fashion. This extended academic perspective combines the focus on economic, ecological, political and ethical implications of fashion with a process-oriented practice of expanded fashion in research.
Prof. Dr. Elke Gaugele (Academy of fine Arts Vienna), Dr. Monica Titton (Researcher at the Academy of fine Arts
Vienna), Prof. Mag. Ute Ploier ( F&T, University of Art and Design Linz), Prof. Christiane Luible-Bär (F&T, University of Art and Design Linz), Anna Berthold (Academy of fine Arts Vienna), Wally Salner (Artist, Fashion designer and Researcher at the University of Art and Design Linz)
20–21/07/2018THE NETHERLANDS | Arnheim
State of Fashion
Searching for the New Luxury
Whataboutery 8 / Theme #Imagination
_ Lara Torres – London College of Fashion / Fashion & Textiles, University of Portsmouth, UK
_ Naomi Filmer Fashion Artefact, London College of Fashion, UK
_ Leah Armstrong – Design History and Theory, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria
_ Galina Mihaleva – School of Art, Design and Media, College of Humanities, Arts, & SocialSciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (guest speaker invited by the Department of Textiles - University of
Applied Arts, Vienna), Austria
_ Simona Segre Reinach – Department for Life Quality Studies, University of Bologna, Italy
_ Clemens Thornquist – Fashion and Textile Design, Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business, University of Borås, Sweden
_ Dobrila Denegri – curator Transfashional and lecturer at Polimoda, Florence
_ Jose Teunissen – artistic director, In Search for the New Luxury and Dean, School of Design and Technology at the London College of Fashion
London, College of Fashion
Panel with
_ Frances Corner, Dean, LCF
_ Jose Teunissen, Dean, School of Design&Technology and Artistic director of Fashion Biennial, Arnheim
_ Marcin Różyc, journalist / curator, Warsaw
_ Shaun Cole, Lecturer, LCF
_ Monica Titton, Lecturer, Fashion department, University of Applied Arts, Vienna
17.09. – 20.09.17
Vienna, University of Applied Arts
Workshop with
_ Hussein Chalayan, artist/designer, Head of the Fashion department, University of Applied Arts, Vienna
_ Beatrice Jaschke, co-director of the /ecm course, University of Applied Arts, Vienna
_ Susanne Neuburger, Head of collection and curator, MUMOK - Museum of Modern Art, Vienna
_ Janusz Noiewicz, Program leader, Fashion department Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
_ Barbara Putz-Plecko, Vice President and Head of Textile department, University of Applied Arts, Vienna
_ Dobrila Denegri, curator